Saturday, June 14, 2014

indus valley civilization ..50 multiple question

50 Important questions about Indus Valley Civilization 

1. What were the main characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans. Town Planning and Drainage System.

2. To which age the Indus Valley Civilization belongs?
Ans. Neolithic Age

3. Which metals were mostly used to make the tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization?
Ans. Copper and bronze.

4. What are the main sources of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans. Archaelogical excavations.

5. At which Harappan site traces of a horse have been found?
Ans. Surkotda.

6. Which metal was not known to the Harappan people?
Ans. Iron

7. What was the main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans. Trade.

8. In which culture the earliest evidence of silver in India is found?
Ans. Harappan culture.

9. By which evidence the Indus Valley Civilization is known as pre-Aryan Civilization?
Ans. Script.

10. At which places in Indus Valley Civilization rice husks have been found?
Ans. Lothal and Rangpur.

11. At which place in Harappan Civilization a beared man in steatite has been found?
Ans. Mohanjodaro.

12. Which town of Indus Valley Civilization was flooded and destroyed more than seven times?
Ans. Mohanjodaro.

13. Which soil was used to make bricks in Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans. Alluvial soil

14. In which civilization the cotton was cultivated first?
Ans. Indus Valley Civilization.

15. From which place the Indus people used to import Amethyst'?
Ans. Maharashtra.

16. At which place in Indus Valley Civilization the evidence of chess and a measuring scale have been found?
Ans. Lothal.

17. Which town in Indus Valley Civilization had no citadel?
Ans. Chanhudaro

18. Besides Chanhudaro which city of the Indus Valley Civilization was associated with bead-makers shops?
Ans. Lothal.

19. Has any evidence of a worshiping place in Indus Valley Civilization been found or not?
Ans. No evidence of any worshiping place has been found

20. Which town of the Indus Valley Civilization literally means "Mound of the dead?"
Ans. Mohanjodaro.

21. With which countries Indus people had trade relations?
Ans. Sumeria (Mesopotamia), Babylon, Egypt, etc.

22. In Harappa how many granaries have been found?
Ans. Six granaries.

23. By whom and when Harappa was excavated?
Ans. Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni, in 1921

24. Which was the most famous building in Harappa?
Ans. The Granary.

25. In which harappan city the H-cemetry of alien people was found?
Ans. Harappa.

26. Which was the most famous building in Mohanjodaro?
Ans. The great bath room

27. Which was the biggest building in Mohanjodaro?
Ans. The granary.

28. In which Harappan city a piece of the cotton fabric was found?
Ans. Mohanjodaro.

29. In which Harappan City a bronze dancing girl was found?
Ans. Mohanjodaro.

30. In which year and by whom the Harappan city Chanhudaro was excavated?
Ans. In 1931, by M. G. Majumdar.

31. Where the Harappan city Chanhudaro was situated ?
Ans. In Sindh now in Pakistan.

32. For what chanhudaro was famous?
Ans. Bead making shop.

33. When and by whom the lothal was excavated?
Ans. In 1957, by S. R. Rao and M. S. Vats.

34. In which of the Harappan city remains of a dockyard was found?
Ans. Lothal.

35. In which of the Harappan city rice husks were found?
Ans. Lothal and Rangpur.

36. In which of the Harappan city a measuring scale was found?
Ans. Lothal.

37. On the bank of which river Kalibanga was situated?
Ans. Ghagar.

38. In which Harappan city evidence of bangles was found?
Ans. Kalibanga,

39. Which materials were used in making buildings in Harappan culture?
Ans. Terracotta.

40. How many seals have been found in Harappa Civilization?
Ans. 2000 approx.

41. To which age Harappan culture belongs?
Ans. Bronze Age.

42. For which regi n in Harappan culture 'Meluha' was used?
Ans. Indus Region,

43. In which civilization UR was used for a place?
Ans. Mesopotamia.

44. For which region Dilman was used for a place?
Ans. Island of Bahrain.

45. From which places silver was imported to Indus cities?
Ans. Food-grains and cotton.

46. Silver were imported to Indus cities from which places?
Ans. Afghanistan and Iran.

47. From which places copper was imported?
Ans. South India and Baluchistan?

48. From which place Lapiz-Lazuli was imported?
Ans. Badakhshan.

49. From where Turquoise was imported to Indus valley?
Ans. From Iran.

50. How many Pictographs were found in Indus Valley Civilization?
 Ans. 250 to 400

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